The following list includes key assignments only

Simultaneous interpreting

Corporate synergy meetings via video link
In-person global events facilitating the integration of a new company into a group
European Commission project meetings, steering committee meetings
All-hands meetings for multinational firms
Press launches
Symposium by Erik Orsenna, Member of the Académie française

Liaison interpreting

Field trips and study visits, European Commission projects
International business seminars – kaizen, sales, quality, marketing strategy, investment
Meetings at the Assemblée Nationale, Paris, France
French Property Exhibition, London, England
Assistance to foreign buyers during property completions (French & Italian notaries)
Negotiation support for Italian entrepreneurs during international aviation trade fairs

Consecutive interpreting

International Young Lawyers Association AGM, Florence, Italy
EU projects
Politicians’ speeches
Negotiations to secure exclusive product distribution rights
The launch of an airline to the press
Negotiations for large aerospace contract with subcontractor

Whispered interpreting or chuchotage

EU project meetings
Factory visits by VIPs
Awards ceremonies


Voiceover for an international sales presentation launching a new aircraft, EADS aerospace consortium
Corporate film soundtracks

Court interpreting

Sworn interpreter since 1995, expert judiciaire to French courts since 1998

International legal depositions in cases involving money laundering, terrorist financing, and IP infringement for high-profile global brands (also recorded on video for American courts)


EU Interreg IIIC project (6 years), facilitating meetings through interpreting and intercultural mediation with partners from Italy, France, Poland, Finland, Spain and Ireland.

Facilitating the integration of an American subsidiary into a French agro-chemicals group (2-3 years)